Showing posts with label BBG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BBG. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

Business Builders Group – BBG Chapters Launched in Sydney

This week the four BBG Chapters formed in Sydney kicked off their first group meetings. Braving the early morning weather to get to the meetings, the members convened at the BSI Group offices in Martin Place, Sydney to participate and experience what BBG is all about.
 With a unique structure and process, BBG connects members with other members and their networks. The process builds on the Know, Like and Trust principles of networking to allow the group members to make better quality, easier and more referrals. Better Quality and More Referrals come from the process where Chapter members get to Know, Like and Trust the other members of the Chapter. Easier Referrals are facilitated by the Referron App and the relationships formed between the members. The whole process is facilitated by a Mentor who has attended and passed the BBG Mentor Accreditation Course.
Having attended three Chapter meetings this week (out of four) and mentoring one of these groups, there were a number of exciting and powerful results witnessed. The Chapter members commenced building business relations before, during and after the meeting. They got to know some of the member’s businesses from member presentations followed by question and answer sessions. After the meetings, there have been numerous conversations, emails and phone calls between members where they have been exploring ways of helping each other’s businesses via referrals.
Within the group I facilitated, I have seen over 50 emails from the group members. I can only imagine the number of emails and phone calls took place outside the BBG meeting between the chapter members. This has been repeated over the other three Chapters that have met this week.
BBG is a very powerful process for generating High Quality Referrals for Business. It is not limited by the industry, profession, business model, organisation size, etc. and can be applied to anyone looking to grow their business or address issues in their business.
For more information or to join a BBG Chapter, please message Andrew via LinkedIn or visit the websites or
Andrew is a Business Enhancement Professional backed by solid academic record, wide ranging industry experience and a successful 35-year career in General Management, Sales & Marketing and Engineering.