Monday, September 9, 2024

July 24 - investment Property Purchases are at near record levels - why?

According to the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Property investor borrowing is close to record levels

January 2022 - $11.762 billion

January 2023 - $7.849 billion

July 2024 - $11.708 billion

That's an increase of 49.2%.

Why are so many investors entering the market? rising prices?

rising rents?

an expectation that interest rates might fall in early 2025?

a combination of the 3 

Would you like to invest in a property 

This year ?

In next 3 years?

Never ? 

Give the team at bsifinance a call !!

#property #realestate #homeloans #distinctfinancial #mortgagebroker #mortgages

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