Monday, December 14, 2020

What causes prices such as diamonds, Bitcoin and gold to rise?

Wanna grow value?

Create Scarcity 

Scarcity is Something that is in short supply, high demand, and available within a limited timeframe.

Cookie experiment 

In 1975 this experiment saw 200 undergrad students taste and rate cookies that they believed were either in limited or abundant supply. 

Cookies believed to be in limited supply were rated as significantly more likeable and attractive than those believed to be in abundance. 

Students  were willing to pay 11% more for the cookies they believed were ‘in short supply’.


we’re always craving what we’re told we can’t have. 

Does abundance have value? Only if you can make it mores scarce or more limited and more ‘diamond than ‘rock’.

Can you create scarcity ?

one ‘penthouse” on the top floor of a building that’s bigger and better than the rest 

one “front row” at a concert”

“Bitcoin is the result of an artificial constraint (from $1 - $25k and rising )

Nike deciding to only produce 150 pairs of ‘Pigeon Dunks’, resulting in camp outs, riots and 4,000% mark ups on eBay.

Diamonds - De Beers have created and controlled the global diamond market by controlling the majority of the world’s diamonds, which are stockpiled in heavily guarded vaults.

The ‘diamonds are forever’ line has positioned diamonds 💎 as exclusive 

play up the exclusivity and pride of ownership!

Great Insite by Dan Monheit (

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