I have just read a great article by my good friend Rana Kordahi - who has presented at our forums a number of times and been a member of BBG .
In order to understand and develope a relationship with your customer, employee or shareholder , your child spouse or friend (your stakeholder ) - you need to know what they want - what presses their buttons - what influences them.
A10X principle comes to mind - Give a person what they want and you will get what you want
Make your stakeholder feel special!
Do you make your prospects and clients feel special?
Be sure to listen to them, ask questions and help them? Both face to face and online
Perhaps give them a piece of information no one else knows? What are some specials that you have for a limited time? (But you need to do this with integrity and be honest.)
Here are Cialdini’s 6 principles of influence will help you develop that relationship and close more deals
John Maxwell says about leadership…. Leadership is About being able to influence nothing more nothing less
Robert B Cialdini, a well-known social psychologist, who spent three years undercover working in places such as used car dealerships, fund-raising organizations, and telemarketing firms. In this time, he observed real-life situations of influence and persuasion.
1. A spirit of generosity and Reciprocity
If you’re a business coach, perhaps think about giving a free discovery session or webinar.
If you have a software or app, give free trials and spend some time helping those who sign up using it.
People feel more indebted to someone who has offered something for free, whether it’s a product, time, advice or service.
But in the end, give because you’re a nice person and the other person FEELS that you genuinely wants to help whether you get something back or not.
Make your stakeholder feel special!
Some ideas to build a spirit of generosity and reciprocity:
Do you offer value, give free information, time and resources away? Do you go above and beyond to help your clients?
Do you invite them to an event that they may be interested in
A super powerful gift that does not cost a hellava lot is to make a referral .
A problem is that you are giving of yourself - and can be very expensive…. What if the other person doesn’t do a great job? What if he/she does not follow up?
How can you track measure and reward that referral - or warm introduction?
(Referron is a free app that enables you to send your business card and simply refer people to others (and track those referrals ) . Would love your feedback. Click here to view my profile and connect with me https://members.referron.com/bsivc ) Here is a little instruction video https://youtu.be/s-jhxmABIm4 looking forward to catch up soon. Best Ivan )
Make your stakeholders feel special
Many times, we are influenced to purchase something when there are not many of it left. It is human nature when somebody tells us that we can’t have it, we want it more.
Other times, when a product or service is at an unbelievable low price for a limited time, we will be more inclined to purchase because of the fear of missing out. Now as a salesperson or a marketer, don’t ever drop your prices and say that they are limited unless they are limited.
Make your stakeholders feel special
3 KlT know like and trust
Klt is l fundamental aspect of being able to sell. People prefer to say yes to those they know like and trust .
Research done on Tupperware parties shows that the guests are three times more likely to buy products because they liked the party’s host and not because of the products themselves.
So, it’s important to make a good impression not only face to face, but online through your social media. Videos, blogs or write Facebook statuses.
Come across as a positive, authentic inspiring trustworthy person who the people you want to be your customers want to be around.
Stay real , authentic and true to your values , be sure toml be what you do and the values of your organisation align with your
Don’t compromise your integrity or values to win a deal.
Trust, Credibility and Social proof - Advocates testimonials
- A testimonial is effectively like a referral - on steroids - can go to masses
the trend is your friend
We prefer to buy things that many other people have used and tested.
Why is a restaurant packed and the one next door is empty?
People follow the latest trends and use products and services that are working on others.
Testimonials from customers and influencers are key - maybe share photos/videos of your customers and influencers and advocates using your products and services.
Questions about your social proof:
Get testimonials and happy customer stories you can share with clients?
Does the company you work for have credibility, and presence when you search for them online?
Would your existing clients recommend you and your company?
Do you highlight your company’s social proof in client meetings or even through your email signature?
If you refer - do you track measure and reward your referrals or testimonials ?
Make your stakeholders feel special
4. Continuous Commitment and consistency —
This shows that you know what you are doing and are authentic. That is they buy your product or service that it will last
How do you get your customer to say yes and get them to agree and say yes if this is what they want.
Rana’s gold - ASK and Get agreement - get them to say yes 5 times - show them your final offer and gain some sort of commitment from them to take action.
Questions to consider for consistency commitment and consistency:
Can you show consistency?
Do you walk the walk - consistently ?
Do you ask clients to commit to their word in regard to showing up to meetings, renewals or even giving you referrals?
Do you ask good closing questions to get the customer to close themselves?
Make your stakeholders feel special
5. - Be an expert - be the centre of influence - have authority
Be credible and know what you're talking about. Building your centre of influence - online or offline.
Share content that highlights your expertise. Give talks, write articles, feature on podcasts, host events or simply be good at what you do.
You cannot fake authority. And it does not come easy - it takes work, practice and time to be an expert and centre of influence in your field
Some questions about your centre of influence
Are you the go-to person in your field?
Are you a trusted adviser?
Are you a centre of influence
Do you professionally develop yourself rhgilatly and consistently
Do you show up with confidence, look and the part ?
The key
The 5 Cs - to build a connected collaborative community of people around you
Connect collaborate contribute competently and consistently