Monday, September 16, 2024

We need to build tens of thousands of houses each year to solve the housing crisis


Housing Minister Clare O’Neil tells the ABC that the housing crisis in Australia has been a “generation in the making”.

To solve this crisis, the government have been looking to pass into legislation a number of programmes.

The standout programme is The Help to buy Scheme

The Help to Buy Scheme to act as the Bank of Mum and Dad and partner with 40,000 first home buyers who are key workers - teachers, train drivers, nurses. 

This is an amazing programme where the government will partner with Key Workers to buy their first home. 

It's a WIN WIN WIN .... The Labour Government supports this, so why doesn't the greens or the libs. This is one programme that should be bipartisan!! 

It does not even have to be treated as an expense, as the government will recover this money, as they will be co-investing in Bricks and Mortar!! 

Let's make this happen!!!!! 

Housing crisis in Australia a ‘generation in the making’ (

10X : Help to Buy Scheme for frontline and essential workers - A Free Service (

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