Thursday, June 8, 2023

Is inflation a bad thing - surely growth is good???

The stunning turnaround in house prices hides some worrying issues in the housing sector and the broader economy says James Thomson of afr

Property has increase 3pc since February

Does this mean the economy is in a healthy position?


  • Lack of stock 
  • Higher interest rates and serviceability and
  • house prices have locked buyers out of the market 
  • Building approvals at there lowest 
  • Building company’s are collapsing - higher prices - can’t honour fixed price contracts
  • Banks are conserving cash for uptick in bad debts

James Thomson  is saying that property prices is not reflection of the economy - which seems to be struggling - but a result of Immigration led demand,  low listings and Ltd supply of new stock ……

And yet 

  • employment seems at an all time low, 
  • travel agents have never been so busy and 
  • people seem to be partying big time . 

Isn’t this a good thing??

Is inflation so bad?

Inflation is not seeming to stop the spend !l- so government is increasing interest rates to try and stop the spend !!!

Is inflation such a bad thing? Is it not just a reflection of growth? 

Not sure why the government is trying to stop inflation and growth? 

What do you ðŸ’­ ðŸ¤” think?

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